
Customer care

Acquiring a new customer, is five times harder than retaining an existing customer. That is why an excellent customer service is of utmost importance.

Patient support

We’ve been working for the medical sector since 1989. Are you looking for a partner to take care of the “on-call” phone calls for your practice, your care institution or council? AAC!


AAC ensures an “on call” service during and outside office hours for damage repair networks. We handle each request carefully, examine the damage and coordinate repair services.

Technical maintenance

AAC guarantees a smooth follow-up of all technical intervention requests, whether based on a service agreement or not. We make sure a call reaches the on-call engineer or technician as soon as possible.

Medical & Paramedical

We guarantee an empathetic, friendly approach and a listening ear towards your patients. We also know and appreciate that doctors’ practices run on a very tight schedule.